Investing in families
and children

The Trustees believe that family is the single most important influence in a child’s life. From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. Parents and family form a child’s first relationships.
They are a child’s first teachers and act as role models in how to act and how to experience the world around them. By nurturing and teaching children during their early years, families play an important role in making sure children are ready to learn when they enter school. Children thrive when parents are able to actively promote their positive growth and development. Every parent knows that it’s sometimes difficult to do this important work without help, support, and additional resources.
The Trustees believe that support for families is important in enabling every young person to have the opportunity to meet their full potential. Too many face huge barriers and although they may have the same aspirations as their peers, many are deprived of opportunity. The reasons can be numerous and complex.
The Charity is interested to hear from organisations working with broken families where substance abuse, conflict, violence, emotional detachment, debt, and homelessness have the potential to damage the life chances of the children of the family. They look to help organisations counter the negative effect on children.
Similarly they are interested in organisations working in communities to provide facilities and services that support families so that they are able to build successful lives. The Trustees support working with whole families in multi service centres and welcome applications from organisations providing these services.
Level of funding available
Applications to the Charity will need to be in excess of £1000. Grants at or below £1000 will need to use our scheme administered by the Heart of England Community Foundation and
There is no maximum grant size, but applicants should be aware that large grant requests (typically over £20,000) are significantly less likely to be approved and take considerably longer to process.
Extra priority
Extra priority will be given to groups that:
- work in a particularly disadvantaged or deprived area
- have limited access to other sources of income
- clearly demonstrate the benefit to young people
- demonstrate a commitment to service user involvement
- can demonstrate partnership working
- can demonstrate secured or potential match funding from other sources