Trustees and

The Trustees need to bring various skills and experience to the Charity. Alan Higgs’ late widow and son were Trustees and now his daughter and three of his grandchildren are Trustees. It is not a family charity however and all trustees are selected against pre-set criteria that ensures a mix of relevant experience and skill.
Alex Barrett (Chair)
Worked and started married life in Coventry, now living in Warwickshire, works for a major public service organisation as a senior communications specialist.
Emily Barlow
After an MSc in Social Policy worked for the Princes Trust, Scotland as Social Policy Manager.
Rowley Higgs
After working as a commercial lawyer is now a partner in an insurance company specialising in commercial transactions in the City of London.
Steve Cooke
A Coventrian, Part Time Healthcare IT Project Consultant. Strong interests in Education, Science and the Arts. Long serving school governor and chair of governors of a Coventry primary school, Volunteer Host for Coventry City of Culture 2021.
Marilyn Knatchbull-Hugessen
The founder’s daughter. After an early career in advertising has contributed to academic research, taught classes for the NCT and worked as a Parentline counsellor. Served as a Magistrate, specialising in the Family Court, for twenty-six years.
Emma Bates
A locally motivated, highly experienced Coventry based voluntary sector programme manager.
Dr Geoff Willcocks
Clerk to the Trustees
Lesley Beadle
Finance Manager
The Trustees are grateful to the Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust for its help in developing this website.